What is Business Photography, and the Art of it?
Whether you are looking to enhance the imagery on your website or in your print marketing materials, we can help you determine the type of custom photography that will have the most impact for you and your business.
Most business owners know the basics of what photography can do for them, but understanding how to approach photography as a part of your overall marketing game plan often requires the help of experienced professional photographers who are also dedicated to understanding your business offering and your customer base. There are many different types of photography, and how they can impact your business may surprise you. We can help define your photography needs and get the most out of the photographs we deliver.
Portrait Photography

Business owners too often underestimate the importance of effective portrait photography. You’re website profile page is not a place for a passport photo. Your portrait, and those of your staff and team, are most effective when they show your personality and your work environment.
Product Photography

It is safe to say that choosing the right photographic style for your product has more to do with understanding your customers as it does the product itself. The creative direction that goes into the product photo shoot should follow the same guidelines that went into its packaging.
Lifestyle Photography

Effective lifestyle photography can be one of the most powerful ways to define your brand identity and help your customers identify with you. Also referred to as “situational” photography, this type of photography is more about presenting a scene that conveys an emotion or sensibility to the viewer, and less about a literal depiction of the business offering you are trying to promote. In other words, if you are using lifestyle photography to help sell a product, the shot is less about the product and more about the people in the scene and what’s going on around them. More often than not, lifestyle photography isn’t about selling anything in particular, it’s about understanding the lifestyle your audience can relate to.
Food Photography

While food photography shares a lot in common with product photography, there is one major difference: the food itself needs styling, not just the photograph. In the end it doesn’t matter how good the photograph is, the food always has to look delicious.
Event Photography

Capturing high quality event photography can be one of the most challenging tasks for any photographer. Little to nothing about the shoot is within the his or her control except the camera. Great event photographs happen only for photographers who can find them.
Training & Workshop Photography

Capturing your internal training or workshop sessions can be a great way to give new customers insight to why you’re so good at what you do. Smart business owners recognize that the learning process is worth documenting for ourselves and sharing with others.
Architectural Photography

Great architectural photography comes from a love of architecture; from the ability to see what makes a structure beautiful, and knowing how to capture it with light and composition. Ask any architectural photographer and they’ll tell you: it’s about paying homage.
There are no two ways about it: the right photography will do right by your business.
The visuals you use to promote your business are your strongest communication tool. Quality, custom photography can be your strongest voice.
View our portfolio of great successesBillboard & Advertising photography for New Amhurst Homes, Cobourg Ontario
As architects, we pride ourselves in both the overall concept and details of our work. The photographs that Mike has taken of our projects capture both of these aspects of our designs. His delight in how spaces are illuminated by natural and artificial light, and his interest in unusual vantage points, provide an element of surprise and add life to his images. Mike is very easy to get along with and we would highly recommend him to anyone looking for innovative and beautifully designed photographs.
Getting started is easy. Just call the number below or drop us a line. We can answer your question and tell you more about what kind of photography can best help you and your business.